Joint press release – CVMR Corporation, Ore2Metal Inc. and AGL Mining Engineering Ltd
CVMR Corporation, Ore2Metal Inc. and AGL Mining Engineering Ltd., have entered into an agreement to create a major mining and refining amalgamated operation, vertically integrated to create a unique system that is completely neutral to the environment, from mining, beneficiation, refining, and reclamation of some 36 different metals, including the Transition Metals, and Rare Earth Elements (REE) from various laterites and sulfide ore bodies, tailings, or low-grade deposits.
This is the first time in the history of mining and refining of metals that such a comprehensive system, neutral to the environment, implementing sustainable mining and reclaiming legacy tailings and refining low-grade sulfide and lateritic mineral resources has been established. This is an advanced integrated mining practice, mineral concentration (beneficiation) and vapour metallurgy refining of all Critical Metals and more. This collaboration has established initiatives in the United States, Canada, EU, and Turkey offering its environmentally neutral mining and refining processes with zero hazardous waste, all the way from the mining to high purity metal production. The companies were brought together to create this unique approach to mining and refining under the CVMR umbrella each with its own proprietary expertise.
The combined proprietary processes and technologies of these companies is applied to sulfide and laterite mines, low grade marginal ores and legacy mineral tailings. “This is a low-cost eco-friendly strategic initiative that taps into non-conventional resources to bridge major current gaps in demand for various metals,” stated Kamran M. Khozan, Chairman and CEO of CVMR group of companies, at a press release interview.
“With our technological collaboration, we can finally tap into various marginal resources and legacy tailings that are presently considered uneconomical. This will be a major step forward in alleviating the uncertainty surrounded around the future supply of critical metals for the emerging green economy,” announced Dr. Barun Gorain, CEO of Ore2Metal.